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  • 03/02/2021 2:50 PM | Anonymous

    Atlanta City Council will hold a virtual public hearing on March 1st, 2020. This proposed ordinance, if passed, will regulate short term rentals in Atlanta and would impact all of Druid Hills within Atlanta city limits. Residents that want to rent their properties using Airbnb or other short term rental companies would have to get a permit ($150 application fee plus $300 permit fee), pay 8% tax, and follow the rules and regulations of the ordinance.  There isn't currently any legislation governing short-term rentals in Unincorporated DeKalb, but the county may not be far behind in doing so.

    Although most renters are respectful and are not a nuisance, some can be. Report an issue with specific renters to the authorities, as you would with any other disturbance. If you suspect that an Airbnb property is being misused or not properly handled by the owner, learn more about how to file a complaint with Airbnb:

    Read FAQ's about the proposed ordinance here.

  • 03/02/2021 2:48 PM | Anonymous

    Have you seen the red tubes being buried along certain roads in the neighborhood?  Georgia Power is burying some power lines as part of its grid investment plan which will impact streets throughout Druid Hills.  See map below and FAQs regarding the project rationale, the impacts, the potential for paid easements and more.

    Read  an update from DeKalb County engineers on street resurfacing projects:  Briarcliff and Ponce.

    Review GDOT responses to January 2020 public meeting about drainage improvements along Ponce de Leon Ave. 

  • 01/16/2021 9:30 AM | Anonymous

    Update about the proposed redevelopment at N. Decatur and Lullwater from The DHCA president, January 16, 2021

    Fellow Druid Hills Residents,

    As many of you already know Tribridge Residential has filed a stream buffer variance application for the Lullwater Apartments site located at the corner of N. Decatur Rd. and Lullwater Rd. just outside Emory Village.  The developer would like to redevelop the site, most of which is encumbered by FEMA floodplain and state and county stream buffers, and build upwards of 85 new units there.

    The DHCA has forwarded its concerns regarding encroachments into the streambuffer and development within the floodplain to the State Environmental Protection Division.  The DHCA has also been actively engaged on this issue with a number of stakeholders, including the Emory Village Alliance, the Druid Hills Golf and Country Club, and the South Fork Conservancy, as well as the developer, Tribridge Residential.  

    If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to us at


    Kit Eisterhold

    (DHCA President)

  • 01/02/2021 10:27 AM | Anonymous

    DeKalb County is replacing our smaller residential refuse carts with a 95 gallon version. This will make it easier for residents to throw things away without having to pile additional trash outside of the container.  The 95 gallon version allows the county to use the single-operator/driver collection truck and reduces risk of injury to the collector.

    Due to their size and our neighborhood's topography, residents may find it difficult to maneuver these cans to the curb. Jeff Rader, Commissioner, District 2DeKalb County, suggests that residents make any concerns known to the Thurmond Administration by clicking hereAlso share your concerns to all members of the BOC by clicking here as well as apply for backyard pickup by clicking here since that is the only alternative available.

  • 12/03/2020 9:00 PM | Anonymous

    From The DHCA president on December 3rd, 2020

    Dear Neighbors,

    Yesterday, the DHCA learned of an application filed with the Georgia Environmental Protection agency for a piece of property that sits at the corner of North Decatur and Lullwater Roads (known as the Lullwater Apartments). This property is located in unincorporated DeKalb County. 

    The application only relates to the piping of the creek tributary along 200' along North Decatur. However the reason listed for that diversion is "to make way for proposed construction of 85 multi-family apartments". Here is the site plan.

    The application has been shared across key stakeholder groups including the Southfork Conservancy, the Emory Village Alliance and the Druid Hills Golf Club and we will seek to gather additional information on the plans and share information with you as we know it on our website and our Facebook page.

    If you have comments or concerns, please share those with us as we wish to advocate on behalf of all of our residents in Druid Hills. Email:


    Kit Eisterhold,

    DHCA President

  • 07/22/2020 11:18 AM | Anonymous

    In  addition to all he did for civil and human rights, John Lewis was always a friend of those in in-town neighborhoods.  During the “Road Fight”, Former president Jimmy Carter called  Hon. Rep. Lewis many times, attempting to pressure him into supporting Carter, Andrew Young, City Council, and the DOT in promoting rather than opposing the “Presidential Parkway.”  Carter and Lewis were old friends, so it was hard on Lewis, but he said he could not support the parkway—he had to support his constituents who were against the expressway. Lewis went on to support our neighborhoods in every way he could.  I wonder sometimes if Lewis had said “yes” and joined Carter’s support for the road?  I think we would have lost the road fight without Lewis’ help.  That explains  the power behind Lewis constant integrity and honorable service.  John  Lewis was my hero. 

    Requesat in pacem, John. 

    Jennie Richardson 

  • 06/20/2020 12:47 PM | Anonymous

    See below for document information about a Georgia Power project to bury power lines and improve infrastructure and alleviate power outages in our neighborhoods that will include portions of Druid Hills.  

    druidhills-gp kirkwood project-200521 (pg1).PNG

    druidhills-gp kirkwood project-200521 (pg2).PNG

    Grid Postcard_Undergrounding_Kirkwood circuits.pdf

    Kirkwood Map.jpg

  • 05/13/2020 9:33 AM | Anonymous

    May 20, 2020

    7:30 PM  - Zoom Meeting (see details below)

    In the interest of keeping our community safe the DHCA Board would like to invite you to join a presentation and discussion of the results of Phase One of the strategic management consulting work undertaken earlier this year in a web conference meeting via Zoom. We will use the time allotted for the regularly scheduled May board meeting to present the results of this data-gathering phase and hold Q&A and discussion. We will start at 7:30 PM and plan to use the full two-hour meeting timeframe.

    Terri Theisen, our consultant, will spend the first portion of the time walking through a presentation of findings; the second portion will be reserved for Q&A. To ensure all voices are heard and to manage time in the most efficient way we will accept questions via Zoom chat only.

    Doug Rollins has agreed to ensure that meeting attendees are comfortable using Zoom as well as the chat feature. In this capacity he will serve as a point person before and during the meeting to offer support and training on using web conferencing and asking questions via chat. Please contact Doug Rollins at or (404) 226-4418 if you need help with Zoom. Thank you, Doug!

    At or around 9:15 or 9:30 PM we will close the presentation and Q&A portion of the meeting and end the presentation. There will be a recording of the entire session uploaded to the website after the presentation for those who cannot join and/or those who would like to revisit.

    We would like to have as many neighbors join us as possible, and we ask that you please distribute this information and encourage your fellow community members to attend. There are 500 seats available on the web meeting; these are available on a first-come, first-served basis. For those who cannot join, or, in the unlikely event that all seats on the Zoom meeting fill up, we will upload a recording of the meeting to the DHCA website as mentioned above.

    Finally, we strongly encourage participants to log into the meeting a few minutes early to allow time for any potential troubleshooting; this will help ensure an on-time kick off.

    Regarding next steps, the board will reconvene on May 27th for further discussion and to vote on moving onto the second phase of this work. Please see below for a list of proposed deliverables for this phase. If you have questions or input you would like to share, please reach out to a Board member prior to May 27th. You can find a full list of board members at

    We want to thank everyone who took time to participate in this data gathering phase of our strategic

    planning work. Your support and input are critical, and we look forward to gathering with you to learn

    about and discuss the results.

    Zoom Meeting Information

    Topic: DHCA Board Meeting Time: MAY 20, 2020 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 879 6352 5399
    Password: 011519

    One tap mobile

    +13017158592,,87963525399#,,1#,011519# US (Germantown)
    +13126266799,,87963525399#,,1#,011519# US (Chicago) 

    Dial by your location
            +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
            +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
            +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
            +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
            +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
            +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

    Meeting ID: 879 6352 5399

    Password: 011519
    Find your local number:

    Phase Two Details

    Phase Two Work Stream


    Visioning and Creating a plan for DHCA

    • ·        Multi-year Strategic Plan including
    • -         Vision
    • -         Mission
    • -         Goals
    • -         Objectives (Metrics)

    Strategic Plan will be presented in two formats

    • 1.     Narrative
    • 2.     Infographic (One Page)
    • ·        Tactical (Implementation) Plan to drive achievement of the goals and objectives (metrics) including
    • -         Strategies
    • -         Timeframes
    • -         Responsibility Assignments (Committees)

  • 03/21/2020 1:37 PM | Anonymous

    An update from DeKalb County engineers:

    The resurfacing project on Briarcliff will extend from Briarcliff Place (just north of Ponce) to North Druid Hills, then extend down North Druid Hills to Buford Highway.  was scheduled to be resurfaced later this year but was moved to December 2021 in order to accommodate DeKalb County's water line replacement schedule.  Our mutual goal is to reduce the likelihood of needing to cut into new pavement)

    The resurfacing project on Ponce was advertised for bids in February, and it is anticipated that it will be awarded within the next month.  Construction is expected to begin this summer (2020) and be complete by January 2021.

    Both projects will consist of milling down the existing surface the same
    depth as the new asphalt that will replace it.

  • 01/08/2018 10:24 AM | Anonymous

    Notice of Annual Meeting of Members to be held 
    Sunday, January 21, 2018; 1:30 – 3:30 pm
    (Registration begins at 12:30 pm) at

    Fernbank Museum of Natural History

    767 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA  30307

    You are cordially invited to attend the 2018 Annual Meeting of the members of Druid Hills Civic Association, Inc. on the date and at the place and time noted above, to elect directors and officers, and to hear a review of the Association’s activities in 2017 and its plans for 2018.  A number of elected officials will also be on hand to answer questions on issues affecting Druid Hills.

    The Governance Committee of the Board has nominated the following officers to serve for one year after the meeting and a class of directors to serve for three years after the meeting, the Class of 2020:


    President                                                           Anne Wallace
    First Vice President                                      Andrew Keenan
    Administrative Vice President                 Ryan Graham
    Communications Vice President            Fran Putney
    Treasurer                                                           Tom McGuigan
    Secretary                                                            Ken Gibson

    Board of Directors Class of 2020

    Rob Benfield
    Kit Eisterhold
    John Giegerich
    Jan Jones
    Chris Ligget
    Sue Sullivan
    Leon Van Gelderen

    You must be current on your 2018 membership fees in order to vote!

    We look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting.


P.O. Box 363, Decatur, GA 30031

©2020 Druid Hills Civic Association.  | Druid Hills Civic Association, Inc. is a Georgia non-profit corporation. 

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